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You can get a fully-playable preview version of Undeadwood Weird West RPG on DriveThruRPG! It is a Pay-What-you-Want title.

Undeadwood Weird West RPG: Dead Man’s Dice Preview Version

Undeadwood Weird West RPG is a dark Western fantasy game that doesn’t take itself too seriously. It embraces some of the stranger, more offbeat elements of American Folklore. Along with the devils, ghosts, cursed treasure, and mad scientists, you can expect to see hodags, jackalopes, and thunderbirds. My goal is to play a game that has all the action and grit of a pulp Western story from Lariat or Triple-X, but fused with the humorously macabre of The Addams Family or Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

In it you will play Lost Souls. People who have fallen off the edge of the world and wound up in Wonkatonkwa County: a place not quite on Earth, where the dead walk, Pow-Wow magic and Santeria work, and monsters roam the land. One day the Number Nine, a mysterious train that comes from nowhere goes off to nowhere, and follows no Earthly schedule pulled into the station and you stepped off with a bag of possessions, and missing a year of memory. The last thing you remembered was heading to a life on the Western frontier in 1867… how and why you are here is something the locals just stopped asking.

Some folks take the perilous journey up past Vulture Rock and through the Painted Canyon in hopes of getting back to America. Of course, only one soul ever came back that way to prove that it can be done. Most folks are too scared to leave or face the monsters of this new frontier: they find a way to settle in and make the best of it.

Of course, you aren’t most folks.

Undeadwood Weird West RPG is a work in progress. This is a preview version to help listeners to the Dead Man’s Dice podcast follow along and try it for themselves.

Get it on DriveThruRPG