The Lost Souls

Sin-buster, Medium, and Would-be Sorcerer, Seighn has been plagued her entire life by strange visions and terrifying experiences. A recent arrival to the United States from Ireland, she uses a mix of prayer, preaching and her own bizarre brand of witchcraft to try to save herself, her friends, and her soul from the madness that has threatened to engulf her.
A burned out Sawbones, occasional Medicine-Woman, and full-time Snake-Oil salesman, Mae is looking for a way to make a quick buck and enjoy easy living. She found that selling laudanum, marijuana, and elixirs are far easier than actually practising medicine. Now she finds herse hangign back to pull bullets out fo the strange company she keeps.

A recent immigrant from Ireland, Patrick is already an accomplished Gunslinger, and has the skill to perform circus-level Trick Shots. A Deadeye even in the chaos of close combat, he came to America to get far away from the conflicts of his homeland… and has found a totally new trouble. Now he is calculating how to make the most of his skills in this strange new land.
A former Union Sharpshooter, Tracker, and survivalist, Matt was on his way home to his Kin after a long and bloody war. He is haunted by what he has seen… but now finds himself even farther away than before.