Wonkatonkwa County

Wonkatonkwa County sits in its own dimension not quite on Earth. Every week the Number 9, a train run by strange, inhuman beings arrives, dropping off mail, freight, and people, and taking mail back – somehow to the United States.

The people who arrive are missing memories – they never know quite how they got here, and most can’t remember anything that happened in the year before. They have only one bag with them. Some find strange clues on their person that they can’t fully understand.

With 200 miles of desolate, monster-haunted canyon between Vulture Rock at the North end of the County and the passage back to Earth (specifically to Presidio County in Texas), most folks choose to settle down and do what they have to to cope with monsters, magic, missing time, and being cut off from home. The Demons on the Number 9 don’t take passengers out of the County.

Ironically, while this setting brings out the worst in many of the people who arrive in the county, the need to survive and common enemies have made the people of Wonkatonkwa more tolerant and understanding of each other than they ever were back on Earth. A common threat brings people together like nothing else can!

My current game manual features information on thirteen areas: eleven regions of Wonkatonkwa County and two strange and alien places beyond its boundaries. These include strange supernatural occurrences, random encounter tables, gossip, adventure hooks, and important NPCs for each of these areas, giving the game a rich set of resources for running the game.