Episode 2: The Story So Far (pt. 1)

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This epsisode covers the first three game sessions in the play-test campaign of Undeadwood Weird West RPG, where three Lost Souls have a dark and violent introduction to Wonkatonkwa County and see first hand its dark magic. Once they are settled in the nearby town of Hodag Gulch after a terrifying hell-ride across the Olvidado desert hunted by the undead.

Once settled they attempt to persuade a local mine owner to offer them a stake in his claim in exchange for purging the mines of the monsters within. They can’t reach a bargain.

Deciding to give the old miner time to see his money running out before trying again, they instead decide to find out what the bandits who first attacked them when they arrived in Wonkatonkwa. Using what they could understand of an encrypted book they traveled into the Perdition Wastes found an abandoned ranch sitting over an terrifying ancient ruin populated Bandits who more cultists than desperadoes and their pet monsters.

Session One takes place in the desert region of Wonkatonkwa called Olvidado.

Session two took place mostly in Hodag Gulch and the surrounding green meadows of Thunder Valley.

Session three took place in the desert region called Perdition.

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